Marigold flowers

Calendula – benefits, properties and contraindications

The marigold is a beautiful flower that, in addition to its delicate appearance, also has many healing properties. If you are interested in herbs and their properties, there is no way you have not come across recipes for potions and creams made from calendula.
In this article, we will tell you more about what are the useful and healing properties of this beautiful flower, what it is used for and whether there are any side effects of its use.

What is a Marigold, where is it found and what is it used for

Calendula Flowers

Calendula has been known as an excellent medicinal remedy since ancient Greece, and nowadays it is one of the most used herbs with a variety of uses in cosmetics and medicine. He is known to all nations, but his birthplace remains a complete mystery to this day. It is distributed throughout the Mediterranean, Central and Southern Europe, Australia, Central and Southwest Asia and the Middle East. In some countries, it is grown primarily for its medicinal properties. It is also known as a rain flower and a dead flower.
Marigold flowers are orange or yellow and clustered in inflorescences, and their fruits have spines on their rough exterior. It blooms from June to September – October, with the fruits ripening precisely in October. For medicinal purposes, only the inflorescences are used, which are harvested when they have fully bloomed. The inflorescences contain flavonoids and carotenoids, antioxidants, paraffinic hydrocarbons, and lycopene.
The wonderful aroma of the flowers and their phytoncide properties are due to the essential oils they contain. Many studies have shown that calendula has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and is therefore used for medicinal purposes and to treat wounds.

Calendula Balm 120 ml

Composition, action and medicinal properties of calendula


calendula pot
Calendula contains organic acids, phytoncides, resins, bitter substances, essential oil, lutein and others. It has an antimicrobial and wound-healing effect. It is applied internally, in the form of an infusion when an ulcer appears, or externally, in the form of creams and ointments for wounds. The healing properties of calendula are as follows:
Reduces inflammation and free radicals – The active chemicals in calendula make it a natural cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory herb that has been proven to work.
It has natural antiseptic properties – A few drops of calendula have been found to reduce swelling and inflammation of the inner ear within a few days of continuous use.
Heals the oral cavity – Due to its antibacterial properties, calendula is included in various herbal health and hygiene products, including toothpaste, mouthwash and more.

Marigold in herbal medicine
Medicinal tincture of calendula flowers, medicinal wild herbs.

Heals Skin Rashes, Wounds, and Burns

– Applying calendula oil to cuts, bruises, insect bites, and other skin injuries can speed up the healing process thanks to the herb’s anti-inflammatory properties.

Calendula Balm 50 ml

Helps Reduce Hemorrhoid Pain

– Since calendula treatment can reduce swelling and aid tissue healing, its application also reduces the symptoms of haemorrhoids or anal tears.

Relieves Cramps

– It has antispasmodic properties, which relieve severe cramps caused by menstruation or any other type of spasmodic condition.

Improves vision

– Studies show that calendula contains some antioxidants that have a direct impact on vision.

flowers Calendula officinalis
Healing calendula flowers and herbal tincture.Healing plants

What are the benefits of Calendula?

Calendula has antimicrobial, blood-purifying and anti-allergic effects. It reduces spasms of the smooth muscles of internal organs and blood vessels. This is due to the content of flavonoids in it, which help the body deal with various allergens and carcinogenic substances.

Helps with burns and wounds

Calendula has a beneficial effect on the skin. The content of phytochemicals in it helps to trap free radicals in the body and accelerates the healing process of various wounds and burns. It can also be used in post-surgical care, preventing the appearance of scars. It is also applied to old scars, giving very good results.

Calendula Balm 30 ml

Cleanses the blood vessels

The plant has the ability to purify blood vessels, relax them and lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, especially if combined with cloves, hawthorn and dandelion.

calendula soap
It helps with problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Calendula is a key ingredient for relieving digestive tract problems. Heals gastric and duodenal wounds and helps to normalize liver function and bile secretion.

Beautification with marigold

Thanks to the vital anti-inflammatory and revitalizing compounds contained in calendula, it eliminates dead skin cells and supports the formation of new tissues. This is a very important function that helps maintain the structural integrity of the skin. In addition, the abundance of antioxidants in the flower stimulates the synthesis of collagen and significantly reduces the signs of ageing, such as the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, sagging and even redness of the skin. Calendula is also extremely useful in fighting acne, pimples and boils on the face. Fights dark spots, and restores skin elasticity, making it smooth and soft.

In the treatment of gingivitis

Gingivitis is often characterized by inflammation of the gums and is one of the most common diseases of the oral cavity. In a 6-month study of 240 people with gingivitis, those who used calendula mouthwash had a 46% reduction in inflammation. Also, according to another survey, calendula mouthwash reduces the number of microorganisms on dental floss.

marigold oil
What are the ways to apply Calendula?

Marigold is a plant that has many uses. Like most herbs, it can be used both externally and internally. Calendula is used internally for inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the mouth, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and for the treatment of gastritis and inflammation of the colon. It helps with viral diseases and liver problems. The herb is also used to treat athlete’s foot or fungus in the vaginal area. In Bulgarian folk medicine, it is used for headaches, disease conditions in women of critical age, jaundice, diseases of the spleen, skin tuberculosis, cancer of the uterus, breast and others. Here are some examples of the herb’s application:

Calendula oil

The beneficial properties of calendula can also be extracted in the form of oil. In this form, it mainly exhibits disinfecting, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Calendula oil is very effective for skin changes and diseases.

Calendula Balm 30 ml
Calendula balm

Calendula balm is extremely effective in soothing rashes and any kind of skin reaction. Some research shows that in babies with diaper rash, applying 1.5% calendula cream to the baby’s sensitive skin for 7 to 10 days can help reduce symptoms. Calendula creams are sold in all stores and drugstores. And if you want to order online, you can do it here.

Calendula tea

calendula tea
Calendula tea contains many active substances that have the following benefits:
Soothes ulcers, eczema, dermatitis, and diseases of the bile and liver;
Helps with headache, dizziness, irritability, insomnia;
Helps with cold conditions.
To make tea you need dried marigold flowers, which you can find and order here.

Calendula tincture

Calendula tincture is one of the best remedies for treating infections. It has a good sedative effect. It is also used for mild forms of ulcers and gastritis. It destroys inflammation and supports the work of the stomach.

Shampoo with calendula

Calendula extract is an old-proven recipe for preventing hair and scalp problems. Prevents the appearance of dandruff and hair loss, especially hair that is prone to more rapid oiliness.

Homemade Calendula Treatment Recipes

By using dried marigold flowers, you can prepare various recipes to treat a number of health problems, such as:

Ointment for varicose veins with calendula and lard

Ingredients needed:
3 tsp dried calendula
500 g lard

Put the lard and calendula in a pan and stir over a stronger heat – be careful not to burn. After a few minutes, remove from heat and let cool. Store in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, melt the mixture again, but don’t keep it on the fire for too long – so it doesn’t get hot. Strain through cheesecloth, pour into a jar and return to the refrigerator to set.

Ointment for cuts, bruises, stings, and skin irritations

For it you need:
2 tsp olive or almond oil
¼ tsp beeswax
2 tablespoons of dried nettle leaves
2 tablespoons of dried marigold flowers
1 tbsp dried rosemary

Calendula infusion

1 handful of dried marigold flowers
1 cup of water

Crushed Calendula and other herbs

Place the dried marigold flower directly in the glass and pour the already hot water, cover and let it steep for at least 10 minutes. Strain through a strainer and drink while the tea is still hot. To enrich your herbal tea and enhance its benefits, add some mint, lemon balm, lime blossom and chamomile.

Contraindications and side effects of calendula

Calendula is considered a safe herb, but it should be noted that it can have side effects when interacting with other medications. Therefore, if you are taking any medication, it is recommended that you consult a doctor before use. The herb may cause allergic reactions. With the internal or local application, momentary redness or even more persistent skin rashes may appear. It is not recommended to use marigolds in the case of:
Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
Individual intolerance to flowers;
People suffering from heart failure;
Small children;
People with low blood pressure.
It is very important to pay special attention to the effects of calendula during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Although it is not strictly forbidden to take, most doctors and herbalists recommend avoiding the use of calendula ointment or oil, as there is a risk of miscarriage. Calendula tea is also not highly recommended.
Keep in mind that self-treatment of serious diseases with calendula can lead to worsening health problems!


We hope that this article was able to give you comprehensive information about what a marigold is and what its properties are. It is important not to ignore the possibility of unwanted side effects with improper use. Always consult a doctor before taking any herb. Remember that even the most useful one can turn out to be extremely harmful to you! Do not use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or taking medication that may interact with the plant!

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